Friday, June 21, 2024

PhD journey is so tough

 Dear God,

I am so worried. My body and mind is so tired. Every body likes to do their job last minute. So I have no choice other than doing it last minute too. begadang terus bbrp hari buat ngejar seminar. dipatahkan di akhir2 seperti bulan lalu. Kata nya harus percaya kalo tiap langkahku kutau Tuhan yang pimpin. Maka, aku mau percaya hal itu. Aku percaya Tuhan yang membawaku ke tempat ini di waktu ini. Maka, Tuhan akan mampukan aku, Tuhan akan ketuk hati para penilai untuk memahami, mengerti, dan memberi aku hikmat dan pengetahuan sehingga apa yang kusampaikan dapat menjadi berharga. 

Tidak ada keinginan apapun untuk diriku sendiri. hanya ingin memuliakan Tuhan dengan apa yang kumiliki. Memberi contoh kepada anak ku akan apa arti tidak menyerah. Bahwa belajar tidak ada akhirnya. Bahwa semangat ku tidak akan goyah walau ada badai. Sama sekali tidak terpikir untuk memuliakan diriku,, karena aku pun sendiri merasa tidak tau apa2. Pengetahuan ku masih kurang, dan aku pun tidak pintar. Hanya aku mau percaya bahwa yang kujalani ini akan membawa kebaikan bagi semua. 

Tuhan, bantu aku ya. semangati aku. kuatkan aku. mampukan aku. Semga engkau mendengarku yang mencari mu. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Hey. it has been a while :)

 I just realised that 2014 was the last time I wrote something in this blog. Such a long time already. Many things have happened since then, of course. It has been 8 years ! 

So, I have married with the love of my life, and we have a dear son, who is talkative yet adorable. 

I need some channel to rant, not in public platform. Just for the sake of writing what's on my mind. 

Maybe I'll write more in the near future :) Maybe not. :)

It's a whole new journey

Jadi, setelah setaun menjalani deeper relationship, we decided to move one step further. Sehari sebelum anniversary jadian, we have our engagement. His whole family came to my house, asked for my hands, which my family and I gladly accepted. I could not ask for more. :) Sebenarnya, dia udah ngelamar duluan siiiiiiii, in front of my dear friends and Ma, which I will not forget sampe kapanpun. The night of my graduation day, hehe. Jadi ya acara lamaran kemaren itu buat formalitas aja ama biar afdollllll. Jadi udah pede buat pake cincin nya hahahaha.

Setelah itu, dimulailah balada mempersiapkan pernikahan. Dengan posisi kami yang sama2 ga di Jakarta dan Semarang, tempat yang kami pilih untuk merayakan peristiwa bahagia ini, we have to rely so much our parents. Of course, we will do what we can buat bantu2. Tapi ya gitu, susah  buat ini itu....

Puji Tuhan, yang di Jakarta, udah paketan jadi ga perlu yang terlalu repot cari2 vendor. Udah pilih bridal, baju pengantin, udah foto prewed juga (tapi indoor). Yang outdoor ntar cari2 sendiri kalo emang mau hehehe. Urusan gereja juga udah beres, tinggal kursus, kanonik, and we are good to go, YEAY.

Nah yang di Semarang, mesti cari satu2. So far, ga bisa bantu banyak karena minim pengetahuan huhuhu. Tapi nti Januari mau ke sana sih, I'll see if we can help settle few things. Surprisingly, lebih mahal lho di Smg drpd di Jkt... koq bisa ya kirain lebih murah ih di sana... abis makanan kan generally murah2 n enak2. *lho koq jadi ngomongin makanan hahaha.

Gitu dulu update nyaaaaaa . nulis blog lagi biar bisa jadi kenang2an hihihihi

Saturday, June 14, 2014

happiness is...

 YOU :)

something in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myself in your arms.
something in your voice, makes my heart beats fast.
hope this feeling lasts the rest of my life.

if you knew how happy you are making me.
i never thought that i'd love anyone so much.

all of me,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Life has been like that for the past 4 years.
I have survived some of the ups and downs and looking forward to experience some more excitements.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st session of CAFE

So, every Tuesday, starting today, I am attending a course called CaFE which stands for Catholic Faith Exploration. It is initiated by the Catholic Evangelization Services (CES) in US. Basically, what we are doing is watching video presentation comprises of talks and followed by group discussion/sharing session.

I enjoyed the 1st session very much. The talk is presented by DaVid Payne, the Director of CES. Some points from his talk :
- what makes you a Christian is not the outside, but inside. It is true that outside is easier to be seen, but it is also important to make sure that the inside is fulfilled.
- our head and heart are only inches away but yet they are like thousand miles apart. Maybe we know God by our knowledge, but that does not mean He is inside our heart as well.
- everybody needs a time to rest from all the busyness of life. Let the spirit catches up with our body and mind.
- there is a void in the heart which only God can fulfill. In fact, He should be the centre of our whole life, which means we need to let him take over and reign in our life. and That's when the fullness of life comes into place
- We need to give God more space and time.

Then he talked about the whole salvation history from the beginning of creation, how human beings fell into sins, how God the Father worked in Old Testament time through all His prophets, how God himself came down to earth to bear the sins of mankind from the past, present, and future, the fact that we are buried with all our sinful nature and be born again with jesus' ressurection through baptism, how He sends His Holy Spirit, the divine person to be our Helper, and how we are now at nearly the end of this salvation mystery, when we are waiting with expectant faith and hope for the second coming of Jesus in glory, to judge all the living and the dead with love, and to invite and unite us once again with our creator in heaven, in our Father's mansion which is already prepared for us.

It is kinda interesting how He talked about the whole bible in only 6.5 minutes. haha. So for the next 6 sessions we will go through these topics :
1. Knowing God better (today)
2. Knowing God's Love
3. Knowing God;s forgiveness
4. Knowing God's Help
5. Knowing God's Word
6. Knowing God's Spirit
7. Knowing God's Hope

Hopefully, I can attend all these sessions, it is time for me to be reminded, explore more, and come back home :) Thanks God for calling me BACK HOME...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

lagi pengen pulang

as the title says

lagi pengen pulang

kangen rumah!