Monday, April 6, 2009

Last Quiz

some moments in life need to be celebrated or at least well-recorded.

So, today 7 April 2009, I am having my last quiz. It is Coastal Engineering course. I should do well since the previous quiz was a mess. I better should!

And this week also the last week of school before my last exam period which I will record later on :)

Nothing more than an overwhelming excitement.. ^^

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

Hari ini dimulai Holy Week. Hari ini Tuhan datang ke Jerusalem diiringi sorak sorai dan disambut dengan meriah. Kadang saya ngerasa bersalah, welcome Him into my heart cuma untuk Dia menjalani sengsaranya later on.

Hari ini saya nyanyi Psalm di St Mary. Moga2 saya bisa nyanyi to bless not to impress :)

Friday, April 3, 2009


I watched Gossip Girls last night, episode 20. There is a line between Serena and her old-time friend, Poppy which made me think a lot afterward. Poppy said to Serena : "wow, everything looks like the same since the last time I met you". I heard that million times as well. Be it in family, high-school friends, even elementary-school friends. My ex once told me I am from ICE_AGE era.

If you ask me, there is not a huge difference in myself. I am not rollercoaster-type of person anyway. I like to be simple and steady. Keep thing just the way it is if it is good enough and nothing to be changed. At least, until last night, I was okay with my life.

But maybe according to some people, this kind of life would be boring. I might think that my life has become a static one rather than a steady one. I should have gone wild, maybe. LOL. I dunno. Maybe if I took the Erasmus Mundus scholarship, it would make a difference and variety but I decided not to. I am not sure working life will allow me to do extraordinary, oops, not extraordinary but not-usually activities.

I have griends, girls mostly, who change drastically since the last time I met them. Is the change good? I am not sure. But they look fabulous, they enjoy life. It's not that I don't enjoy life. I am happy with who I am and what I am doing right now. Just wondering if I should do more to live it up.

However, I am different from what I was. At least I am better in terms of personality.