Thursday, November 29, 2007

Once upon a time - and they live happily ever after

Habis nonton Enchanted. Film nya sangat Disney dan sangat fairy tale. Hmph coba kalo hidup bisa kaya gituuuuuuu ^^ Ketawa2 puas deh, itu harusnya film anak2 apa film orang gede ya. Apa yang bikin emang bikin film itu buat jadi lucu apa romantis apa kenapa ya? Abis gue koq ketawa melulu nontonnya :p

Btw. Ada lagunya yang dipakai pas mereka ball gituuu...baguuuuusssssss banget. Judulnya So Close yang nyanyi Jon Mc Laughlin. These are the lyrics

You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sebentuk Hati

Another ke-ga-penting-an hari ini. Hi3. Iseng pas sarapan pagi...Though ga penting but it's kinda cute, isn't it?

Sebentuk Hati Buat Kekasih by Kerispatih

Bila kau bukanlah cinta sejati
Mungkin aku takkan pernah mengerti
Hati yang tulus setia yang indah
Dan semua yang terjadi antara kita

Maaf untuk semua cara yang salah
Itu hanya ku ingin membuktikan
Tiada yang lain dalam hidupku
Sungguh tak ada maksud untuk menyakitimu

Sebentuk hatiku buat kekasihku
Mengiring rinduku yang selalu untuknya
Memang tak selalu ada yang terbaik
Dari diri ini dan juga dirinya
namun ku yakin cinta ini tak kan pernah salah

Hari Esok

Another grumbling part...but with grateful tone :p

Apapun yang terjadi hari esok, saya tau kalo semua akan segera berakhir. Rasa khawatir ini, rasa takut ini, rasa bosen dan penat ini pasti ada akhirnya. Saya tau. So, I am looking forward to it.

Apapun yang terjadi besok, kedua penjajah akan pergi dari saya, karena sudah tak ada lagi yang bisa dirampas. HABIS sudah... So, palingan saya pulang perang dengan selamat atau cidera berat.

Whatever it will be, besok saya ama temen2 CEE bakal mejeng ke Vivo City. Hahaha, mau nonton, foto2, liat2 lampu (kan mau Natal) --> rada ga penting...

Hari ini bener2 melelahkan. Ga pernah saya belajar selama ini :( But God, thanks for sending me friends to study with. Menyenangkan juga belajar sama2 temen, bisa sambil discuss2 ^^ Gosip2 dunia (udah going global nih gosip2nya, tentang Kra Canal lah, tentang Sarkozi lah, tentang Australia lah, keren ga tuh :P ) Pokoknya makasih TUhan buat hari ini :)

Doain saya buat besok ya. Moga2 semua baik2 aja ^^

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Air mata yang tertahan (ceileh..keren bener :p)

*Postingan ini hanya berisi tumpahan kekesalan belaka *

Tanggal 29....pembantaian, saya akan berperang melawab dua penjajah yang tak kenal ampun. Kemampuan pasukan bersenjata saya sudah tak sanggup lagi untuk melawan penjajah tengik itu. Mana saya tidak diperbolehkan membawa alat2 perang seperti lecture notes dan textbook, habislah sudah negara saya. Kemerdekaan sepertinya tidak dapat diraih :(

Udah distorted kepala gueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ini ya satu subject : Foundation Engineering, saya bener2 ga doyan. Udah kuis saya jelek 2-2nya, terus PYP juga kurang ajar soalnya, masa' banyak bener rumusnya, mana yang dihapal mana yang kaga ga jelas, angka juga semuanya approach2 doank gitu, bangunan semua bakal roboh kali, fondasi dikira2 angkanya, Buset deh *geleng2.... K.A.C.A.U

Engsoc lagi, tuh apaan sih tuh! Baca sih gampang, ngapal itu yang setengah mati. Otak saya kapasitasnya kecil buat ngapal2 kaya gitu. HMPH...itu core tapi kayanya harus saya treat seperti subject PE ga penting yang saya SU. Abis gimana lagiiiiiii

pengen tereak tapi takut diomelin orang, pengen nangis air mata saya udah ga ada stok, pengen marah2 mau marah ama siapa bingung, pengen lari2 capek, pengen tidur merasa bersalah, pengen nya sih guling2, pukul2 orang, pengennyaaaaaaaa....dipeluk *wink wink



Pohon juga bisa pake baju :p

Mind me for being ga penting :p

LHS : Pohon pake baju -- RHS : Pohon ga pake baju

They stand beside each other, but yang satu ga punya baju. Kasian....

Monday, November 26, 2007

Autumn wannabe

Taken when I walked back to my room from school. So many leaves fell down from the trees and scattered along the road. I really liked it...So many colours, like autumn in the west. Cuma kurang warna merah dan orange ^^

Is it possible for me to witness winter wannabe in Singapore? I guess not. I am dreaming of a white Christmas :)
Oh yeah,
Remember when I lost my handphone, I visited my newly born niece. Last month, I had dinner to celebrate her turning-one-month-old.
Cute kaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn? Namanya Tracey :) I will visit her again before Xmas Holiday.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christ The King, Christ my king

Inspired by the homily in today's Mass : The Feast (properly the Solemnity) of Christ The King.

Today is the last Sunday in this liturgical year, before we enter the new liturgical year which begins with Advent. We are celebrating Jesus Christ as the King, king of all kings. So what kind of kingdom does Jesus have? His kingdom is not a place, but it is about people. People who gather together in His name is His kingdom.

His kingdom is not the same like earthly kingdom, where you can see the splendour, the honour, and the power very obviously. When I went to Europe and managed to visit some of the old palaces,I could see the wealth and the power that a King had at his time. But, our King, Jesus, is somehow far away from being a "king". He died on the cross, with no clothes, and worse with no bodyguards around to protect others from harming him. But that is why Jesus is a very special king, at least in my heart.

He is a king of humility, he is a king of love, he is a king full of forgiveness, and he is a king of compassion and kindness. Even, in the Gospel today, he welcomed criminals, and offers him the greatest gift that a king in this world would not be able to give, a chance to be with him (a king) in his palace (paradise). What a wonderful gift! I myself did not manage to visit the king of Monaco during my summer holiday, because I am nothing, I am no one, I am not worthy enough to see him. But, this king, Jesus, offers us, sinners, to be with him and we can meet him anytime anywhere. We do not have to dress up in a special way, we do not need to act or do anything in a special way, we just need to be ourselves in front of him and that is enough.

So, today, as we are celebrating him as a King, let us welcome him and allow him to be the king of our lives. The king of our family, king of our study, king of our relationship with others, and king of all kings. It is such a pleasure to have him as our King. And it is now and today, we are able to be with him in his paradise.

So Lord, be the king of my life and let me live in your most beautiful palace, where there is a perfect love, peace and joy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Everything - Michael Buble

Just heard this song again until some time. Hmph, I hope that someone will sing this song for me. The words are simply....touching ^^
You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And You're the perfect thing to say.

And you play your card, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.

You're every song, and I sing along.
Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah


Monday, November 19, 2007

How Can I Keep From Singing - Chris Tomlin

There is an endless song
Echoes in my soul
I hear the music ring

And though the storms may come
I am holding on
To the rock I cling

How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing

I will lift my eyes
In the darkest night
For I know my Savior lives

And I will walk with You
Knowing You'll see me through
And sing the songs You give

I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne

Sunday, November 18, 2007

SPASI - by Dee in Filosofi Kopi

Dee, saya minta ijin ya buat copas tulisan pendek Anda yang dari Filosopi Kopi. Hope you don't mind :p (kaya dia bakal baca post saya aja :p )

Seindah apa pun hufur terukir, dapatkah iya bermakna apabila tak ada jeda? Dapatkah ia dimengerti jika tak ada spasi?

Bukankah kita baru bisa bergerak jika ada jarak? Dan saling menyayang bila ada ruang? Kasih sayang akan membawa dua orang semakin berdekatan, tapi ia tidak mencekik, jadi ulurlah tali itu.


Mari berkelana dengan rapat tapi tak dibebat. Janganlah saling membendung apabila tak ingin tersandung. Pegang tanganku, tapi jangan terlalu erat, karena aku ingin seiring bukan digiring.

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....keren euy!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I chose to be silent...

Hmph, last night during a IPG :

"Come with a heart of a child, a child who trust his father fully and know that his father will take care of things for him. "

So, I guess being an adult we always tend to think and think. Sometimes the things that we think is not necessary or moreover it make things worse. So, I think for now, I just want to be silent. Silence, not in terms of words from mouth, but silence of mind as well. To be able to empty it and fill it with a new love. Love that is perfect, as His love is perfect.

Perfect love is when you expect no return, you give it just because you want to. Even when people reject you, you know that God knows. You want to love because you know that you are loved. This assurance comes not from men, but from God. His love is everlasting and is from age to age.

I know that wound will not be healed so easily. So, I think it is to let God do his part. For now, it seems that everything I speak does not turn out to be good. So, silence is golden.

*Sorry for the things I said, I did, I thought, I made for all the people I loved. You know I did not mean to hurt anyone. With this little love, allow it to grow with His grace.. ^^

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Prayer Journal Day 4

Help me see your love through others. Help me see your love through my life. Help me see the beauty of your plan. Help me see my future and what am I going to do with my life. Help me see the direction where I should go. Help me understand the language of love that requires no return. Help to love not only those who love me first, but also love the people whom I do not know. Help me to see that your love is eternal and your compassion is from age to age, o Lord

Prayer Journal Day 3

I will still call Father. Since it is my privilege to be Your daughter. You will always look over me, watch me, and guide me. You will pour out your never-ending love unto me. There are times when you want to teach me something, it hurts me badly. But I know in the end that it is all for me.

I want to call you my friend. For I know I can talk everything with you. I know that you are there whenever I call. I know that I can turn to you in times of difficulties.

I want to call you my everything, Lord. Simply everything....teach me to make you real in my life.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Prayer Journal Day 2

When I feel that I am lonely and there is no one wants to accompany me, when I feel that burdens are too much I can take, when I judge people as if I were the rightest one, when I feel that Your blessings is not sufficient for me, when I feel that my prayer is not heard by You, when I feel that my service is empty, when I feel that praying is just a mechanism, when I see the stars and moon at night, when I feel the sunshine during the day, when I see others' smiles.

Thank you Lord for sending me many beautiful things. I may not be able to always recognize that it is you who is presence in my life, but I pray that You will teach me to be sensitive and hunger to be close to you. Thank you Lord.

Rain and Snow

Hmm, belakangan ini lagi hujan terus di Singapore, walaupun kalau siang2 panas terik ga ketulungan. But I love rain.

This morning, when I woke up, langit udah agak gelap, but still I determined to go to school to prepare my exam, karena di kamar pasti banyak gejenya. Ga lama kemudian, hujan turun waktu saya lagi jalan ke library. Saya ga bawa payung, jadi yah so be it. Biarin deh kehujanan. Saya seneng hujan, saya suka suara hujan, saya suka bau hujan, I simply love rain. Saya ngeliatin titik air di kaca mobil, saya ngeliatin titik air di daun2, wah senengnya jadi air. Bisa kemana aja yang dia mau, mau nempel bisa, mau bosen tinggal jatoh ke tanah, kalo kangen ama langit bisa naik lagi ke atas (geje amat). But I do envy it. There are times when I want to stick to something/someone/somewhere. There are times when I want to move away from it without feeling guilty, and there are times when I want to go back to something/someone/somewhere with such a trust that it/he/she will accept me. I know itu ga adil buat orang lain, seenak saya mau gimana. Tapi ya kadang2 pengen gitu juga.

Udah seminggu *kejadian* itu berlalu. Kejadian yang taught me a lot of things. I think now is the time for me to find out what/who I really am. What am I going to do with my life in the future with/without him. Sadness period is over, I hope. To see the world as a loving place to live in with loving people around me.

I said I would quit, I take it back. I am strong, and now I am stronger.

Snow..I dream of playing with snow. I want to know how cold it is. Is it as cold as my heart now??

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Prayer Journal Day 1

I thank you for the beautiful day today, so that I can study with calm and peace heart. Thank you for the amazing friends around me who always be there for me, to support me, to accompany me during my lunch and my dinner and throughout the day, even though they are busy preparing their exams, still they are ready whenever I call them. Thank you for my family who always brighten my days with their SMS ^^ Thank you for the grace of community that I can pray together with them. Thank you for the sunshine so that my laundry can dry fastly. Thank you for the food. Thank you for the strength and perseverence in my study. Even though it is not effective enough, still it couldn't be better. Thank you Lord...thank you...