Monday, November 12, 2007

Rain and Snow

Hmm, belakangan ini lagi hujan terus di Singapore, walaupun kalau siang2 panas terik ga ketulungan. But I love rain.

This morning, when I woke up, langit udah agak gelap, but still I determined to go to school to prepare my exam, karena di kamar pasti banyak gejenya. Ga lama kemudian, hujan turun waktu saya lagi jalan ke library. Saya ga bawa payung, jadi yah so be it. Biarin deh kehujanan. Saya seneng hujan, saya suka suara hujan, saya suka bau hujan, I simply love rain. Saya ngeliatin titik air di kaca mobil, saya ngeliatin titik air di daun2, wah senengnya jadi air. Bisa kemana aja yang dia mau, mau nempel bisa, mau bosen tinggal jatoh ke tanah, kalo kangen ama langit bisa naik lagi ke atas (geje amat). But I do envy it. There are times when I want to stick to something/someone/somewhere. There are times when I want to move away from it without feeling guilty, and there are times when I want to go back to something/someone/somewhere with such a trust that it/he/she will accept me. I know itu ga adil buat orang lain, seenak saya mau gimana. Tapi ya kadang2 pengen gitu juga.

Udah seminggu *kejadian* itu berlalu. Kejadian yang taught me a lot of things. I think now is the time for me to find out what/who I really am. What am I going to do with my life in the future with/without him. Sadness period is over, I hope. To see the world as a loving place to live in with loving people around me.

I said I would quit, I take it back. I am strong, and now I am stronger.

Snow..I dream of playing with snow. I want to know how cold it is. Is it as cold as my heart now??

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