Saturday, November 17, 2007

I chose to be silent...

Hmph, last night during a IPG :

"Come with a heart of a child, a child who trust his father fully and know that his father will take care of things for him. "

So, I guess being an adult we always tend to think and think. Sometimes the things that we think is not necessary or moreover it make things worse. So, I think for now, I just want to be silent. Silence, not in terms of words from mouth, but silence of mind as well. To be able to empty it and fill it with a new love. Love that is perfect, as His love is perfect.

Perfect love is when you expect no return, you give it just because you want to. Even when people reject you, you know that God knows. You want to love because you know that you are loved. This assurance comes not from men, but from God. His love is everlasting and is from age to age.

I know that wound will not be healed so easily. So, I think it is to let God do his part. For now, it seems that everything I speak does not turn out to be good. So, silence is golden.

*Sorry for the things I said, I did, I thought, I made for all the people I loved. You know I did not mean to hurt anyone. With this little love, allow it to grow with His grace.. ^^

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