Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Emi Fujita Concert + Tennis Lesson

Suka Emi Fujita?

Saya suka.

Dia mau konser di Esplanade Singapore nih tanggal 13 Desember. Tapi tiketnya paling murah $58. Mengingat SGD yang semakin lama semakin mahal kalau dirupiahin, saya ga tega buat spend uang segitu buat nonton konser. Pasti worth it sih kayanya. I enjoy her voice very much... so peaceful and heartwarming.

Oh ya, saya ikutan Learn-to-play-tennis nya SRC loh. Mulai 10 Nov-12 Dec. Lumayan buat mengisi liburan (+exam). Daripada les di luar mungkin lebih mahal. Di NTU cuma bayar $10. Saya dari dulu pengen bisa main tennis soalnya. hehe moga2 berguna deh.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

to-do list

wed : structures 3 quiz, FYP meeting, profcomm meeting, exam mass

thurs: adv. steel design quiz, refine fyp

fri: assignment ID, musmin, yearbook meeting

sat:wedding choir practice, psalmist for youth mass all saints' day

sun : all souls' day mass

tue:ID quiz &assignment due

fri:profcomm presentation

anything I missed out? hope not. yeah, I can do it ^^

Monday, October 27, 2008

anyth-ing but study-ing

ask me what have i done during the long weekend?


other than


I have quizzes on Wed and Thurs. 1 assignment due Fri.

Ask me what have i done for my fyp recently?


Save me!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

random things

ada 5 bus 179 mengantri di bus stop Canteen A pada jam non-rush hour. ANEH, perlu ya segitu banyak? hahaha

steamboat di Can B. Beijing something stall. SUPErB! wITH $6, portion for 2/3 ppl. It was totally worthed it. ENAK BANGET... dagingnya super banyak... it is available from 4-9 pm only

iseng ngewarnain kuku orang pas belajar pake stabilo. hahahaha. he couldn't erase it. hahaha maap. iseng,,,

tanganku terlihat seperti tangan orang boncel. kecil banget. bukan kecil sih. pendek gendut. salah orang yang punya tangan satunya. dede ku yang sangat besar itu. hahahaha

ingatkan aku

ingatkan aku
kalau sampai suatu hari nanti
aku terlalu nyaman
sampai tak ingin pergi

ingatkan aku
kalau aku pernah bahagia
sedang bahagia
dan akan lebih bahagia

ingatkan aku
kalau ada yang meninginkan aku
di luar sana
entah dimana

ingatkan aku
kalau hidup tak hanya
melulu tentang itu
masih ada yang ini

ingatkan aku
kalau mau ga mau
aku harus bisa
tanpa dia

ingatkan aku


ingatkan aku

ingatkan aku

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


OK, I know that anxiety is not good, if it discourages us to do things. It can become good if we can use it as a source of motivation of eagerness to see how things turn out.

I am anxious right now.
I didn't do as much as I could
I didn't think as hard as I should

I am becoming a person I don't recognize.

Rescue me!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Integrity of Truth

Belakangan ini saya lagi mikir tentang hal ini. soalnya belakangan ini banyak masalah terjadi di sekitar saya, ngga melibatkan saya sih sebenernya, tapi bikin saya mikir. Apalagi waktu Friday Mass kemaren, Fr Gitner juga kasih preaching tentang hal ini. dan saya rasa title nya sangat pas... Integrity of Truth

Kadang kita itu mau play safe, avoid quarells and argumentations, by either not saying anything or saying something contrary to the truth. Both of them is still the same, not saying the truth. Apa itu bener? Apa sebaiknya kita mending blak2an bilang, tentu aja dengan bahasa yang halus. Soalnya kalo misal kita ada ga suka sesuatu dari seseorang, apakah lebih baik kita diem aja, pura2 baik2 aja di depan orang itu, ato mending bilang ke orang itu hal apa yang bikin ga suka?

Saya ada kenal orang yang sangat menjunjung tinggi integrity of truth. Dia kalo ga suka, pasti maunya ngomong langsung ke orangnya. Blak2an, sayangnya pilihan kata2nya kadang kurang tepat, jadi pernah bikin nangis orang lain gara2 mengkritik orang tersebut. Ada lagi yang memilih untuk diem, not letting the other party knows that there is something wrong, in the end merasa capek buat berurusan dengan orang ini.

Saya sendiri tipe orang ya memilih untuk ngasih tau orang yang saya ga suka, dengan catatan, saya ngerasa orang itu penting untuk tau, saya pengen dia berubah jadi lebih baik, dan saya juga pengen dia tau kalo saya ada ga suka. rasanya ga pantes aja buat ngomong di belakang. TAPI kalo saya merasa orang itu rada ga deket sama saya, saya sih diem aja. Saya ngerasa ga gitu penting juga buat dia tau, in the end, saya malah jadi ngomongin di belakang, which is not a correct attitude, I guess.

Kalo integrity of truth ini ga di fulfill kita sama aja kaya hypocrites donk. dari wiki :
Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief, religion or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself.

saya ga mau jadi hypocrite.. kamu gimana?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Motivation and Determination

Ada 2 hal yang saya paling rindukan saat ini, yang saya dulu miliki tapi sekarang entah kemana perginya : motivation and determination.

Saya masih punya tujuan yang jelas untuk menjalani semua, tapi entah kenapa, energi dan tekad untuk spend time and give full concentration to accomplish things has dimished over time.

1 taun lalu, saya mengenal diri saya sebagai orang yang penuh dengan motivasi dan determinasi dalam melakukan sesuatu. Kalo saya ingin, saya usaha, saya pasti bisa. Saya tau kalo saya mau berhasil, saya harus rela mengorbankan hal-hal tertentu dalam hidup.

Sekarang, saya berkorban waktu tidur aja ga mau... haiz... NGANTUK!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thought of the day

I just want to share some points from Fr Gitner's preaching today during Wednesday Mass.

The gospel for today is about disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. As they saw Jews, praying now, praying then, praying here, and praying there, they were touched seeing how Jesus prayed to His Father. They saw relationship there, they saw peace and Jesus radiated something that was somehow different for them. and Jesus told them a prayer that now we know it as Our Father prayer.

There is a significant different between saying a prayer and pray. One involves mind, while the other one involves heart. We can say a prayer without meaning the words that we are saying. But when we pray, we connect with God, we build a relationship with Him. and that's the point of praying. To build a relationship, to connect with him.

We can take an analogy in our daily life.

When we are with our friends, in this case acquaintances, sometimes we may talk a thousand words without meaning. Even we have talked for hours, we may feel a bit empty. But when we are with our bestfriends/partner, we can walk a ten kilometers path together in silence, without any guilty feeling, without any obligation to break the silence, without any uneasiness feeling. Silence that ironically gives us a thousand meaning. Silence that comforts. Maybe just a bit of words, here and there, and we may feel satisfied and thankful for that moment. It is because we have (what I mean by) a relationship. A connection or you may want to call it a chemistry.

And sometimes, being a sanguine person, it is difficult for me to have this kind of silence.
That is why, maybe for some people, loneliness is horrible. But for me, sometimes this is exactly what I need and what I want. Yeah, I enjoy loneliness (to some extent, of course) because that is the time when I actually have the chance to talk to God and myself.

But stil, I do want to have someone whom I can have this kind of beautiful silence, someday.. :)


Setelah sekian lama, finally I found my old passion which is READING NOVELS. yes, it's been a very long time since I finished my last novel : The Memory Keeper's Daughter.

Now, I am planning to read Stephenie Meyer's novels : Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. I became more excited when I found out that the 1st novel, Twilight, will be visualized into movie. Wew, it will be released on 21 November 2008. Can't wait to watch :p I will finish reading then very very soon :p

Monday, October 6, 2008


~ I don't know what the future holds, but I'm excited about making the journey with YOU by my side ~

itu salah satu quotes yang ada di board meja belajar saya. bener2 jadi kalimat favorit saya belakangan ini. Saya tau Tuhan sayang sama saya, dengar doa doa saya, ga pernah tinggalin saya. Thank you Lord.

- hanya sekedar ungkapan cinta buat sang Pencipta

and it begins

setelah liburan di jakarta
setelah serangan kuis dan assignment yang bertubi2
setelah ICN
setelah urusan lain diselesaikan
tibalah saatnya
saya untuk
kerja fyp lagi

never ending story i guess
abis itu ada exam
gpp lah daripada mikirin yang ngga ngga
mendingan kaya begini

ganbate semuanya... i know you are all busy as well. sampe menggila :p
semangat ya :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

today used to be so special

mellow lagi

tanggal 5 oktober
used to be special
harusnya saya sudah bisa lepasin
tapi kayanya belum deh

ya udah
belajar lagi aja lah...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Future... MY Future

Huff.. actually I shouldn't think too much about this. I still have lots of assignments and quizzes to work on. But, unfortunately, I can't. Especially when the deadline of MSc application is getting nearer.

I want to work as professionals. I want to pursue further study. I want to work and study in Singapore. I want to experience living in other part of the world, in this case, Europe. It has been my dream to travel and probably live there. Travel, accomplished last summer. Left one, yeah, and it seems that the chance is there.

Like I said to some friends, I am a type of person who will fight for my dreams. Even when there seems to be no chance, I will fight to find the opportunity. Opportunity does not come to me, I search for it and when I get it, I wouldn't be willing to let go. So...

Erasmus Mundus... please stop occupying my mind for these 2 weeks. I will think about you later on. okay?