Thursday, August 30, 2007

Industrial Attachment

Haiaaaaaaaaaaaaaah , udah harus daftaran IA. Saya maunya dapet perusahaan bagus dengan projek bagus, dan dengan gaji bagus. What a perfect wish! Ha3..tapi, kayanya semua yang saya mau by interview, saya sih ga takut. Karenaaaaaaa, saya suka di interview - kaya artis gituuuuuu WAKAKAKAKA. Udah geje nih saya. pusing liat daftar company, semuanya "terlihat" bagus2 dan menarik hatiiiiii....

Yang mana yaaaaaa ????

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lagi kesel...

Udah lama banget kayanya sejak terakhir kali saya berselisih sama guru. Well, hari ini...errrr...unfortunately saya abis "berantem" ama tutor EngSoc saya . Saya simply ga terima dengan "nada suara" dia yang terkesan ga suka ditanya2. Padahal seinget saya dia minggu lalu ada bilang gini : "Next week, officially there will not be any tutorial class. But I will make myself available in this room, so that you can ask questions regarding the presentation."

So, here I was. In the tutorial room, with my fellow group members. Yah cuma sekelompk kita doank yang dikelas itu. So, kita mulai lah tanya2, sebenernya kita ini disuruh present dari aspek apa, biar jelas gitu loh. Maksudnya biar spesifik dan sesuai ama yang dia mau. Toh, akhirnya dia yang nilai kan, jadinya saya pengen tau secara jelas, dia expect kita present topic ini dari sini sebelah mana.

Setelah bertanya ini itu, dia jelasin sih. Cuma..errr...saya assume dia ga siap buat menjawab dan akhirnya ga jelas jawabannya. Di bilang kita anak university, harusnya udah bisa milih mana yang important mana yang ngga, oke I agree with that. Saat saya tanya, dengan cuma 10 menit, ga mungkin bisa cover semua aspek, boleh ga kalo kita cuma bahas aspek ini, gitu. Dia bilang : " I will consider you presentation as incomplete." Wew, OKAY, Then, I asked, kalo gitu kita cuma mention doank cukup donk, ga usah explain in details. Dia bilang, I will consider it as incomplete. Nah loh, bingung ga? Jadi dia maunya apaaaa...

Sampe akhirnya saya sendiri ga bisa tahan, saya bilang, then you need to give us chance one-day presentation, so that we can explain nearly everything, that you consider complete. Dia bilang, 10 menit is hell a lot of time. Bueeeee, pake kata hell lagi? Edan! iya kalo 10 menit itu presentasi sendirian, nah ini ber4 gituuu satu orang cuma kebagian 3 menit. Katakanlah saya kebagian intro, udah abis itu 3 menit, belom sempet jelasin content apa2. Masa introduction memperkenalkan diri dan nama temen2 dinilai sih? Ga donnkkk...

Hix...saya yang salah benernya, ga bisa tahan marah . Tapi kayanyaaa..errr...nada suara saya juga harus diubah kali ya, biar ga keliatan nyebelin. 3 hari ini kayanya banyak banget orang yang menganggap saya lagi marah/emosi. Padahal benernya ngga juga, adem2 aja gitu maksudnya..But why people assume I am angry? I am's just the way I speak when I am excited :( or confused!

Jadi nanti kalo dia masih keterusan marah, trus nilai presentasi saya secara tidak wajar bakal dikasih jelek gimana yaaaa? Moga2 ngga deh..btw dia itu 78 taun umurnya..terus dia kalo lagi ngomong ga ada kasih kesempatan kita buat jawab/interupt gitu...ngomong melulu kaya kereta, masalahnya kalo kita mau clarify something gimana. Dia sendiri selalu interupt di tengah2 saya lagi ngomonggggg....GRRRRRRR . Hadooooooh, kenapa saya jadi emosian, Tuhan tolong sayaaa...Give me Your heart!

Bad (blessed) day!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Memorial) - 22 August 2007

Yesterday, is the celebration of The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As usual, we had our Wednesday Mass in LT6. But, yesterday's reading is just wonderful. The first reading mentioned about how "suitable" people who are called/asked to be leaders refused the offer. Then, in the end, thorn bushes became the leader and everything was a mess. Then, the Gospel was about the day when Gabriel was sent to visit Mary and announced to her that she will become a mother of Christ.

34 And Mary said to the angel, "How shall this be, since I have no husband?"
35 And the angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.
36 And behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren.
37 For with God nothing will be impossible."
38 And Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.

It really strucked me when I hear these readings. I have discerned the calling to be one of Executive Commitee of CSA in NTU for the past few months. I have done whatever I could to serve in CSA, become keyboardist and psalmist, composer of psalms, core team of CPG, etc. Yet, I could not feel satisfied with it. I know that I can do MORE. I know that I should do MORE. I love CSA because I believe they are my family that God gives me. And so, I want to give all I can, out of LOVE, for this community. To become a humble servant of God and to serve one another. But I felt unworthy...then the Gospel answered me : The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; For with God nothing will be impossible.

And also from the first reading, all the trees who have been offered to rule have their own plans and rejected it. But then, when thorn bushes became the leader, it is them who suffered. Fr. Jivan also preached about how people always want to accomplish their own plans by rejecting or ignoring the soft voice in their heart, God's calling. So, it really touched me and helped me to reach my decision whether I am going to run for ExCo. It is not a matter of I becoming ExCo, but it is a matter of whether I ANSWER Him to be His servants.

Finally, here I am, Lord. With all my limitations, use me. Work through me, send You Holy Spirit upon me. And Mother Mary, may you pray for me so that I can answer Him like you : "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Amen.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dia Pergi :(

Yeah, again, farewell....

Kemaren abis Prayer Meeting, Peki ajak sekumpulan orang2 geje yang penuh cinta buat pergi makan2. Dia sih patungan ama Nto. Ha3..anyway saya posting bukan buat ngomongin makanan di JW, yang selalu aja terasa kurang Saya mau ngomongin masalah perpisahan.

Dia pergi buat sekitar 5 bulan lah, ga lama sih kalo dipikir. Tapi tetep aja, malam kemaren pas ngelepas dia pergi. I tried so hard to hold the tears. Gimana bisa nangis kalo suasananya masih seperti biasa, geje gitu. Pake pasang lagu " Leaving on the Jet Plane" lah, then ada Ko Dahan yang jalan kaya orang mau dansa lah, liat Mes yang matanya udah bengkak karena ngantuk lah, dan juga perhatiin Nto yang sibuk main Balok Guling di MiniClip lah. He3...Tapi gue yakin, inside, ada perasaan kehilangan.

He has been a great friend, you know. With his calmness and silence I myself am proud of him, he is smart, walaupun dia males juga . Tapi ya ini kesempatan emas buat dia mengenal dunia. I wish I could get the same chance, too. But I am too afrain to leave all these behind. My family, Vedri and my friend. The fact that I will be away, I mean AWAY ( you could consider Singapore as "away", of course), frightens me.

So, I am wondering about the next 2 years. What will happen when most of us will be separated, choose our own way of life? I myself still do not know what I am going to do after graduation. I may not stay in Singapore, that means, I will not be able to see them as much as before. I wonder how miserable that will be. Jadi inget temen2 3IPA4, bohong kalo saya bilang kalo hubungan kita2 seindah dulu. Saya cuma bisa keep in contact dengan beberapa dari mereka. Beberapa means sangat sedikit sekali yang bertahan sampe sekarang . So, haiiizzzzz, hidup itu...singkat, menyenangkan sekaligus menyedihkan ya. Apalagi kalo masalah perpisahan..I hate farewell...

Pek, if you ever gonna read my posting; Hati2 di sana, pergunakan waktu yang ada semaksimal mungkin, kesempatan ini ga datang ke semua orang, You are blessed. So, be good. Jangan begajulan (bahasa apaaaa ini), jangan ikut arus yang ga baik. I hope you will find church there, jangan lupa berdoa juga ya pek. Tuhan berkati selalu, I will pray for you always. I am looking forward to seeing you soon, becanda bareng n rame2 kaya kemaren. He3..See you next year with more love and more smile from you. Siapa tau ketemu cewe wakakaka :p

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Jeweler's Shop - a Walk on Water Production

Hix...just received email from Maggy this morning, informed about this play...huaaaaaaa........i really want to see it. Kinda interesting, isn't it?

But see the ticket price? $25...huuuuu...anyone want to sponsor me :p

I will think about it, though! Maybe it is worthed :)

Anyone wants to join????

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Beggars' Party - CSA Musical 2007

Hi, I rarely post anythings lately. That's because I am busy preparing for the next CSA Musical. It has been my passion to serve God with anything I can do, including acting. Ha3. Yeah, I will play a role as a maid. I know, that does not sound very good, TO BE A MAID. But, my role is very me. Ha3, I dun need to act since the character is somehow like Naomi. :0

So, I cordially invited you all to come to this musical. You will surely be entertained by the story. It is funny yet romantic ^^. I composed one of the song here. I will sing one song, too. Soooooo, dun miss it :)

The Beggars' Party - CSA Musical 2007

Hi, I rarely post anythings lately. That's because I am busy preparing for the next CSA Musical. It has been my passion to serve God with anything I can do, including acting. Ha3. Yeah, I will play a role as a maid. I know, that does not sound very good, TO BE A MAID. But, my role is very me. Ha3, I dun need to act since the character is somehow like Naomi. :0

So, I cordially invited you all to come to this musical. You will surely be entertained by the story. It is funny yet romantic ^^. I composed one of the song here. I will sing one song, too. Soooooo, dun miss it :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How can I change the world, if I can't change myself?

Hm...yesterday was horrible. I have never been in as bad condition as yesterday before. It has been a long time since the last time I am so angry with one people. Usually, If I feel annoyed or dissapointed, I always try to speak it out. But this time, I can't. It is feel that this person should know about this matter. But somehow, this person just can't change it. Hm...

Then, I spoke and talked with my dearest friends. Thanks to them, and thanks be to God for sending them. I am totally okay now. I am okay to deal with this person in the future. I said to God : God, challenge me! And..hahaha...He answered my prayer. This is the challenge that I have been waiting for. I will try to conquer it. I need to accept this person as it is. Yeah, mebbe slowly tell this person what I like and what I dun like. But the thing is, How can I change the world, if I can't change myself? We need this person badly. We can't find anyone who can replace this person's position. It's just that my character doesn't match with this person's character. I need more time to learn more about this person, and I need more time to understand, too.

So, with this post, I humbly send my apology to this person for whatever bad things I said about you. Sometimes, it just exploded, you know. he3. But, I will be okay. God will help me through everything. I knew it. My service is only for Him. Stumble and fall are welcomed. BUT, I need all of you, friends! To hear me when I need someone to talk to...even to be "sasaran kemarahanku" if I just can't help it. Sabar yaaaa...

Quote dari Dhika : "Tuhan, ajarkan aku melayaniMu dengan sederhana."

Tuhan, ajarkan Nomi mencintaiMu dengan sederhana, melayaniMu dengan sederhana, dan mengasihi sesama dengan sederhana. Dalam kesederhanaan, Nomi bisa temukan sukacita. Obat dari segala sakit dan luka.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Macaroni Schotel-ku

Hari ini, seru banget deh. Gara2 ditinggal temen2 sibuk GTD, saya, Dhika dan Peki sibuk nge-dapur. Karena pantry di Hall 16 ga ada oven, kami harus ke Hall 12 buat panggang. Hi3. Kami kemaren pulang gereja sempet belanja buat bikin Macaroni Schotel. Kesampean juga akhirnya. Seru loh. Pake gosong2 segala, kebanyak susu, tumpah2 di jalan, etc. Tapi ternyata in the end enaaaaaakkkk lhoooooooo. Ga percaya? Liat nih fotonya.

Gimana? Keliatan menggiurkan tidak? Hahaha. Ada bagian yang bolong2, tau ga kenapa? Soalnya kita korek2 buat ambil bawang bombaynya. Hi3. Enak abisnya, bawang bombay agak gosong :p. Gimana ada yang tertarik coba? Kita bikin 2 tray lho. Tapi ber3 aja udah habis 1 tray. Ini untung aja masih ingat ada temen2 lain. Kalo ngga, udah di perut semua kali ya. Wakaka...

* THanks to Mama buat resepnya. Mantaph loooowwwhhhh!!!

Di ujung jalan

Beberapa hari ini, perasaan saya kaya rollercoaster. Hmph. Mulai dari hari Jumat, saya kan bantuin temen saya yang jadi PO GTD jadi hantu. Kerjaan saya cuma nangis sih. Tapi ya itu, kan saya ditempatin di rooftop yang lumayan gelap dan berangin. Jadinya merinding sendiri. Saya bukan orang tipe takut hantu sih, cuma saya ga suka aja sendirian begitu. Untung Favian akhirnya mendeket ke saya jadi saya juga udah agak tenangan. Ha3. Hantu takut hantu, kaya jeruk makan jeruk. Hahaha. Ternyata ada juga yang takut ama saya loh. Padahal kan hantunya imut begini ^^

Then, hari sabtu, saya keseeeeeeeeeel banget. Komputer saya kayanya dihuni virus tak dikenal. Saya ampe ganti 2 macem antivirus buat scan tapi koq ya ga ketemu. Apa bener2 gara2 virus? Gejalanya adalah : Lemot! Komputer saya lemot banget. Mau buka window/tab yang ini dan itu koq lama banget. Bisa ditinggal keramas kayanya. Saya defrag beratus2 kali gagal melulu. Kenapa yaaaa... Hu3. Emang sih komputer kena virus itu biasa, tapi buat saya itu ga biasa. Sebel. Sama aja kaya kalo punya peliharaan anjing, terus sakit. Kan khawatir..mana data banyak bener lagi. Terutama koleksi lagu2 saya...huaaaaaaa....

Terus, kemaren saya ikut Sunset Mass di St Theresa. Si Dhika tuh yang ngidam ke sana. Tapi ga nyesel. Didukung tempatnya yang emang cantik, koornya itu loh. Suaranya ga bagus2 amat, tapi I know that They sang with their whole heart. Semangat 45! Tapi indah banget kedengerannya. Terus pas communion, mereka pake lagu Table of Plenty. Biasa kan itu buat gatherin hymn ya. Nah tapi mereka pake pas communion. Rasanya kaya..hmm..saya jadi disadarkan kalo Eucharist is a time for celebration. Bener2 Tuhan lagi undang kita buat makan di rumahNya sama Dia. Duduk satu meja sama Dia, dan guess what, kita itu GOH-nya loh. Kemaren bener2 sukacita di hati deh. Seneng banget.

Yah, gitu deh. Perasaan di hati ini lagi ga karuan. Banyak pikiran. Hu3...moga2 komputer saya ga kena virus. Moga2 dia cuma lagi ngambek dikit aja yaaa...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Story of the day!

Hm, 2 hari pertama sekolah semester ini terasa berat banget. Pelajarannya langsung bikin kaget gitu. Ga tau apa otak saya yang udah terlalu terbiasa dengan travelling mode kali ya. Jadinya ga bisa mikir ilmiah. He3.

Hari ini masak2 dari pagi loh. Saya yang seneng masak ini ga pernah berpikir bakal masak selama 5 jam buat hampir 250 orang. Banyak banget yang harus digoreng, dibumbuin, dll dll. Alhasil, rambut, badan, dan tangan saya bau makanan. Sampe2 saya eneg buat makan hari ini. Ga selera...kebanyakan liat makanan kayanya. He3

Hari ini saya seneng bagnet, bisa ngobrol ama Mama, Papa, dan Vedri. Mereka bener2 always brighten up my days. Banyak sekali cerita2 yang kita share dan I love it :). Sama temen2 welfare T Spray juga, saya seneng banget bisa bantu2. Saya pernah bilang ga ya? Kalo saya itu seneeeeeeng banget kalo saya berguna buat orang.

Hm, temen2 di NTU ini juga penuh dengan cerita masing2. Ga tau kenapa, saya tambah sayang aja sama mereka semua. Saya pengen bisa nyenengin mereka seperti mereka nyenengin saya. Makasih banyak ya TUhan, udah kasih mereka di hidup saya :).

Ga sabar untuk bener2 mengarungi semester yang baru ini. Dengan harapan baru dan semangat baru. Dengan cinta yang terus diperbarui dan anugrah Tuhan yang baru juga setiap harinya. Hm, saya punya banyak rencana. Moga2 bisa dilaksanakan.

Doa-doa yang saya ucapkan di Lourdes, satu-persatu mulai terjawab loh. Saya heran segitu cepetnya yah. He3. Papa saya kemaren ke dokter dan kesehatannya membaik, Hallelujah. Intentions titipan juga udah ada yang di affirm. Wah seneng banget deh pokoknya. Praise the Lord!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Hi all,

Because of sooooooooooo many activites : school, CSA Musical, IndoSupper, etc etc I will not post any updates about my trip around Europe last month.

Be patient..the photos are wonderful :)! Oke deh, segitu dulu. Jangan kangen yo :p